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About MCL 672

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
The mission of the Marine Corps League is to promote the interest and preserve traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of Marines and their families; serve Marines and FMF Navy Personnel who wear or who have worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor; and foster the ideals of Americanism and patriotic volunteerism.
Commandant - Jon Lopey
Sr Vice Commandant - Cary DeMars
Jr Vice Commandant - Gino Arizmendi
Paymaster - Josh Hall
Judge Advocate - Susan Malone
Sergeant at Arms - Richard Olsen
Chaplain - Karl Rodriguez
Adjutant - Ryan Gerchman
Historian - Mardu Lydik
Web Sergeant - Team Frye

CMDT Lopey presenting awards

2023 Washoe County Toys For Tots Wave

MCL672 at KOLO TV8

CMDT Lopey presenting awards
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